However its been hard to stay positive about my profession lately when all I read in the media is doom and gloom suggesting retailing is dead and consumers would prefer to sit at home on the internet shopping.
Personally I believe the tangible experience will always win over the virtual one, sure you can get a bargain online, you can browse for hours uninterrupted and you don't need to queue but the trade off is the experience is impersonal and uninspiring.
I should point out I am a typical `new consumer', my smart phone is my companion, I spend way too much time on social networks than I would care to admit and I embrace new technology however this does not mean I want to spend my spare time glued to my computer.
So why do we need stores and what is their role in this changing world?
I have a theory that the retail store is an essential part of our society and no matter how technology evolves the store will always be needed, why you ask?
1. Consumers have 5 senses and a great experience is a full sensory one
2. Shopping is a social sport and socialising involves people
3. A picture tells a thousand words but being their in person tells you even more
I have been road testing this theory with some friends, all of whom are avid online shoppers, for most women the main draw card of online tends to be bargain basement designer clothing and shoes.
I believe all is not lost here, there are alot of great examples of innovative retailers adding value to their shopping experience, enough to make the customer want to show their loyalty and keep coming back.
I came across a great one on the weekend in Yarra Glen, Yarra Valley wine region. A small home interiors and gift store added a new twist to their experience with an art gallery out the back of the store. This was particularly clever for a number of reasons: it encouraged people to walk through the store, regular exhibition events will drive repeat visitation and even more impressive their first exhibition paired local boutique wine labels with erotic art, something for everyone.
So if you are thinking of shopping this weekend please think about taking a stroll to your local retailers and rewarding them for their hard work and efforts because without them we would be lost.
I apologise this subject is not strictly about design, I actually am a guest speaker at the Retail 2011 Expo and Conference next week and just finished my first live television interview on Sky News Business so my head is filled with retail thoughts tonight.
Thanks for reading...and please share your thoughts on this topic, I would love to hear them.